Open Source Projects
It is a web crawler based on scrapy. This crawler grab the signature pictures of the posting.
Why Apple 4s has no Chinese SIRI ? One reason is lacking of good Chinese parser. Charniak Parser is the fantastic English parser developed by Eugene Charniak. Can it be a start point to parse Chinese?
A platform to study probabilistic distribution of Chinese nature language. It is deprecated after "RedisBrain" emerged.
A daily news fetching program. Its processing starts from a Rss-Gate, which has a group of categories. All data is stored in a database.
Extension of "Twisted http client" to support 'chunked-transfer' (for transmitting responses with dynamically-generated content).
AB-Natural Chinese Languange Processing. Make the expression “Immune 2 Censorship", if we can make the language hard understood to SYSTEM, but not to human.
It is a web crawler based on scrapy, which can be used to grab the text content of the posting in threads
RedisBrain use Redis (NoSQL DB) as backend to model some features of brain. I also used this brain model to implement a Chinese Parser.
ConceptBro is a browser for concept network. It may be the fist one in the world that support all schemas of WordNet, WikiNet, and JA-WordNet.